When Chef Segovia mentioned he was really interested in doing a vegetarian dish for our shelter-at-home audience, I was naturally thrilled but admittedly stumped with a special guest pick that would compliment the show.
Hmmm…well, where would I shop for the best products? A local farmer’s market of course! I tracked down Sal Ascencio, Executive Director for T&C Farmers Markets Inc. (the managing company for the Gilroy Farmers Market) and he was totally thrilled to participate.
Important Gilroy Farmers Market Details
Gilroy Farmers Market started 12.14.19 and grew to include a solid 15 vendors.
They began operations at a local school but due to Covid19 relocated to 6000 Miller Avenue, Gilroy, CA (Gilroy Presbyterian Church) on 4.4.20
Hours of operation are Saturdays from 10am-2pm
They carry a mix of products which include vegetables, fruit, home-made soap, bakery, flowers, hummus, garlic sauce, etc…
“The goal of Gilroy Farmers Markets is to provide Family Farmers, and other vendors, a venue to sell directly to consumers. Consumers, in turn, receive incredibly fresh produce and other artisan goods.”
Sal Ascencio
Sal will be highlighting certain vendors during the show which include Cali-Dad Organic Farms, owned and managed by Benancio Perez. He received agricultural education at Agriculture and Land Based Association (ALBA), learning how to grow organically. ALBA is an incubator, assisting very small farmers going into business, with training in sustainable agriculture and business practices, low acreage rental, etc… Benancio is the second ALBA graduate to join the crew.
Gilroy Farmers Market also, is an incubator for small businesses like SanBenitoSoapWorks.com (aspiring to open up a storefront) and The Perfect Crumb Bakery, Susan Carter, who launched from a farmers market to a storefront in Monterey. Susan still delivers to Gilroy Farmers Market.
Did you know?
Family Farms…
Pioneered organic food farming
Utilize open pollinated or heirloom varieties that highlight taste as opposed to corporate farming which focuses on appearance and ability to ship well
Produce the freshest of certain fruits like strawberries and tomatoes due to smaller shelf life from picking to store arrival
More about Sal:
Sal retired last year after a successful 40-year career in sales. Out of which 30 years working for high tech startups (as small as 25 people and as large as 200 people). If you’d like to connect with Sal you can reach him via email at info@tcfm.farm or by calling 408.636.3907
We hope you will join us for our first vegetarian dish Quarantine Cooking show using fresh local products airing Friday, April 24th at 1pm pst on The Neon Exchange’s YouTube channel.