A good friend from Mt. Madonna YMCA (Andrea Nicolette), left me a voicemail the other day with a suggestion to put my kitchen @ The Neon Exchange to good use during this shelter-in-place timeframe. Her main concern was a selfless one in that she wanted to make sure non-essential businesses like mine and Segovia’s Catering were still visible and maintaining a presence in the minds of consumers. How cool is that? She is concerned about me in a time of crisis while she manages a huge operation at the Mt. Madonna YMCA. We are lucky to have a leader like her in South Valley and I am lucky to call her a friend.
Needless to say, I called her back, told her it was a great idea assuming we kept the operation to a minimum with today’s social distancing standards and that I’d get back to her with details.
Within 24 hours, I learned how to maximize my iPhone 11 camera (proud to admit I still functioned well using an iPhone 6 until recently) and I downloaded Filmora software complete with tutorials. Side Note: Investing in education during “down” time is priceless. Chef Mark Segovia was on board as soon as I called and said, “Hi there Chef, you hangin’ in there?” He created a menu, we went to print on the ad and Voila! our first filming in my kitchen is this Thursday to be aired on Friday, April 3rd.
This is all new for me but in the name of trying to help out with your transition at home wearing all hats including but not limited to parent/teacher/chef/counselor/plumber, I am game for stretching myself in ways unimaginable. Stay tuned for access to the link airing on Friday but for now here is a complete list of items to round up if you’d like to cook with us.
By the way, did I mention Leo from the Y will be our special guest giving us an update on what the Y is up to on the front-lines? I hope you enjoy!
Much Love & Gratitude,